Skoda Fabia

Since 2000 of release

Repair and car operation

Shkoda Fabija
+ 1.1. The car description
- 2. The engine
   2.1. Removal of the top casing of the engine
   + 2.2. Installation of the piston of the first cylinder in position ВМТ of a step of compression
   2.3. Replacement of a belt of a drive of the generator
   + 2.4. Replacement and adjustment of a tension of a belt of a drive of a camshaft
   2.5. Replacement of a chain of a drive of a camshaft
   2.6. Selection of a distributive gear wheel of a cranked shaft
   2.7. Replacement of a lining of a head of the block of cylinders
   2.8. Replacement of an epiploon of a camshaft
   2.9. Replacement маслосъемных caps
   2.10. Replacement of a forward epiploon of a cranked shaft
   2.11. A back epiploon of a cranked shaft
   + 2.12. Repair of a head of the block of cylinders
   - 2.13. Engine repair
      2.13.1. Engine dismantling
      2.13.2. Дефектовка
      2.13.3. Assemblage
      2.13.4. Compression check
+ 3. Greasing system
+ 4. The power supply system
+ 5. Cooling system
+ 6. System of release of the fulfilled gases
+ 7. Transmission and a running gear
+ 8. A steering
+ 9. Brake system
+ 10. An electric equipment
+ 11. A body
+ 12. Electroschemes


2.13.4. Compression check

The compression and difference of its values on cylinders shows degree of deterioration of the engine. Measurement of a compression is better for spending at servicing deport.

Definition of degree of deterioration of the engine on a compression

The engine
Compression, МПа
The new engine
Deterioration limit
Maximum permissible difference of values in cylinders
Petrol 1,0 l, 37 kw and 1,4 l, 50 kw
Not more low 1,2
No more than 0,3
Diesel 1,9 l, 74 kw
2,5 – 3,1
No more than 0,5

1. Remove the top casing of the engine (subsection 2.1 see).
2. At petrol engines of 1,0 l, 37 kw and 1,4 l, 50 kw disconnect колодку 1 with wires from the module of 2 ignitions, turn out spark plugs (subsection 10.3.3 see) and take out a safety lock №35 of the block of safety locks.
3. At the diesel engine of 1,9 l, 74 kw disconnect колодку a plait of wires of pumps-atomizers from a plait of wires, turn out candles накаливания and instead of candles screw a special adapter.
4. Connect the device for compression measurement.
5. Scroll the engine a starter until on a device scale pressure is not stabilised. Thus at the petrol engine it is necessary to press an accelerator pedal against the stop.
6. Similarly check up a compression in other cylinders.
7. Disconnect the device for measurement of a compression and establish all removed details.
8. Clear memory of malfunctions of the block of engine management.

The inhaling moments, Нм

Engines of 1 l, 37 kw and 1,4 l, 50 kw:
  – шатунный a bolt of the engine of 1,0 l
20 to tighten on 90
  – A nut шатунного a bolt of the engine of 1,4 l, 50 kw
  – A bolt of fastening of the case of covers of radical bearings of the engine of 1,4 l, 50 kw
  – A bolt of fastening of the holder of a back epiploon
  – A bolt of fastening of a flywheel
30 to tighten on 90
  – A fastening bolt теплоизоляционного the screen
  – A bolt of fastening of the gauge of a detonation
  – A bolt of fastening of the receiver of the oil pump to the block of cylinders
  – A bolt of fastening of a pulley of a cranked shaft
  – A bolt of fastening of a cover of distributive gear wheels
  – A bolt of fastening of gear wheels of a camshaft
Engines of 1,4 l, 55 and 74 kw:
  – шатунный a bolt
20 to tighten on 90
  – A bolt of fastening of the receiver to the oil pump
  – A bolt of fastening of the receiver to the block of cylinders
  – A bolt of fastening of the gauge of a detonation
  – A bolt of fastening of disks of coupling
60 to tighten on 90
  – A bolt of fastening of the oil pump
  – A bolt of fastening of an arm of the generator
  – A bolt of fastening of the tension device:
     • М8
20 to tighten on 90
     • М10
  – A bolt of fastening oil картера
  – A stopper маслосливного apertures
  – A nut of fastening of a tension roller