Skoda Fabia

Since 2000 of release

Repair and car operation

Shkoda Fabija
+ 1.1. The car description
+ 2. The engine
+ 3. Greasing system
+ 4. The power supply system
+ 5. Cooling system
+ 6. System of release of the fulfilled gases
+ 7. Transmission and a running gear
- 8. A steering
   8.1. Removal and steering wheel installation
   8.2. Removal and installation of returnable and contact rings in gathering
   + 8.3. A steering column
   + 8.4. The steering mechanism (without the amplifier)
   - 8.5. The steering mechanism (with the amplifier)
      8.5.1. Replacement of a tip of steering draught
      8.5.2. Removal of the steering mechanism
      8.5.3. Installation of the steering mechanism
      8.5.4. Replacement of steering draught
      8.5.5. The pump unit
      8.5.6. Check of electric chains of the amplifier of a steering
      8.5.7. Replacement of the gauge of the amplifier of a steering
      8.5.8. Replacement of highways of system of the amplifier of a steering
      8.5.9. Check of level of a working liquid
      8.5.10. Refuelling and removal of air from hydraulic system
      8.5.11. Check and adjustment of corners of installation of wheels
+ 9. Brake system
+ 10. An electric equipment
+ 11. A body
+ 12. Electroschemes


8.5.5. The pump unit

Arrangement of the block of management of the conditioner fan

1 – the management block;

2 – an arm;

3 – a nut;

4, 5 – connecting Pads

Extraction of a wire and highways from the holder

1 – the holder;

2 – a returnable highway;

3 – a pressure head highway;

4 – a wire of the gauge of the amplifier of a steering

Connecting Pads the pump unit

1 – the pump unit in elastic

2 – connecting колодка
Tyres CAN-BUS;

3 – connecting колодка a food;

4 – connecting колодка wires of the gauge of the amplifier of a steering

Connection of highways to the pump unit

1 – the pump unit in elastic

2 – a nut;

3 – a pressure head highway;

4 – a returnable highway;

5 – a collar

Fastening of the pump unit on the car

1 – the pump unit in an elastic casing;

2 – an arm;

3 – bolts

The pump unit with an arm in gathering

1 – nuts;

2 – the pump unit;

3 – an arm;

4 – an elastic casing

Details of the pump unit

1 – a bolt;
2 – a nut;
3 – a support;
4 – the pump unit;
5 – a receiver cover;
6 – a pressure head highway;
7 – a sealing ring;
8 – a returnable highway;
9 – a collar;
10 – an elastic casing;
11 – an arm

The pump unit consists from шестеренчатого the pump with the electric motor, the management and receiver block.
The prevention

The pump unit is not subject to repair, in case of malfunction it is necessary to replace it in gathering.


1. Raise and establish on reliable support a forward part of the car.
2. Remove the left forward wheel.
3. Remove локарь niches of a forward left wheel.
4. Start up the engine.
5. Check up on hearing and to the touch work of the pump unit 1 (fig. Elements of the hydraulic amplifier of a steering see). If necessary turn a steering wheel against the stop.
6. If the pump unit does not work, check up electric chains (subsection 8.5.6 see).
7. More careful check of the pump can be spent at servicing deport by means of special devices.
8. The failed pump unit replace.
9. Establish into place локарь and a wheel.


1. Disconnect a wire from the plug - the storage battery. On a part of cars the holder of the storage battery (большего the size) closes a receiver cover. In this case it is necessary to remove the storage battery and its holder (subsection 10.2 see).
2. If necessary remove the air filter (subsection 4.1 see).
3. Turn away a cover 9 (fig. Elements of the hydraulic amplifier of a steering) a receiver see and through a bulk mouth by means of a rubber pear remove from a receiver a working liquid.
4. Raise and establish on reliable support a forward part of the car.
5. Remove the left forward wheel.
6. Remove локарь niches of a forward left wheel.
7. Remove грязезащитный a guard.
8. On models with the block of management of the conditioner fan disconnect from the block two Pads 4 and 5 (fig. the Arrangement of the block of management of the conditioner fan see) with wires, turn on two nuts of 3 fastenings and remove an arm 2 with the block 1.
9. Wring out a spring latch and open the holder 1 (fig. Extraction of a wire and highways from the holder see). Take out from it pressure head 3 and returnable 2 highways, and also a wire 4 gauges of the amplifier of a steering.
10. Establish under the pump unit capacity for gathering of a liquid which will follow from it at removal.
11. Disconnect from the pump unit 1 Pads 2 (fig. Connecting Pads the pump unit see), 3 and 4 with wires.
12. Unclench by means of flat-nose pliers a collar 5 (fig. Connection of highways to the pump unit see) and accurately disconnect a returnable highway 4 from the union of the pump unit.
13. Turn away a nut of 2 fastenings and disconnect a pressure head highway 3 from the pump unit.
14. Muffle apertures of highways.
15. Turn away three bolts 3 (Fastening of the pump unit fig. see the car) fastenings and remove an arm 2 with the pump unit 1 in an elastic casing.
16. Turn away three nuts 1 (fig. the Pump unit with an arm in gathering) fastenings see and remove from an arm 3 pump unit 2 in an elastic casing 4.
17. Unbutton an elastic casing 10 (fig. of the Detail of the pump unit see) and take out from it the pump unit 4.
18. Turn out three rubber support 3. Replace support with the rubber torn, exfoliating or lost elasticity.
19. Establish the new pump unit upside-down, having replaced bolts of fastening of an arm of the pump unit new.
20. Replace a sealing ring 7 tips of a pressure head highway.
21. After that fill hydraulic system with a working liquid and remove from it air (subsection 8.5.10 see).

The inhaling moments, Нм

Rubber support
Nuts of fastening of the pump unit on an arm
Nut of fastening of a pressure head highway to the pump unit
Bolts of fastening of an arm of the pump unit to a body
20, then to tighten on 90
Bolts of fastening of a wheel