Skoda Fabia

Since 2000 of release

Repair and car operation

Shkoda Fabija
+ 1.1. The car description
+ 2. The engine
+ 3. Greasing system
+ 4. The power supply system
+ 5. Cooling system
+ 6. System of release of the fulfilled gases
+ 7. Transmission and a running gear
+ 8. A steering
- 9. Brake system
   + 9.1. Pedal knot
   9.2. The vacuum amplifier
   9.3. The main brake cylinder
   9.4. A pressure regulator (on models without ABS)
   + 9.5. The brake mechanism of a forward wheel of type FS III
   + 9.6. The brake mechanism of a forward wheel of type FS II
   + 9.7. The brake mechanism of a back wheel (drum-type)
   + 9.8. The brake mechanism of a back wheel (disk)
   - 9.9. A lay brake
      9.9.1. Adjustment of a lay brake with back drum-type brakes
      9.9.2. Adjustment of a lay brake with back disk brakes
      9.9.3. Lever replacement
      9.9.4. Replacement of cables
      9.9.5. Replacement of a brake liquid
      9.9.6. Prorolling of brake system
   + 9.10. Antiblocking system (ABS)
+ 10. An electric equipment
+ 11. A body
+ 12. Electroschemes


9.9.5. Replacement of a brake liquid

The prevention

Observe safety measures at work with a brake liquid: it is toxic. Hit of a brake liquid on wires, the plastic or painted details of a body can cause their damage. Therefore always enclose pure rags at pouring in a tank. At liquid hit on a detail at once wipe their pure rag.

Do not use the liquid merged from system repeatedly: it is polluted, sated by air and a moisture.

Brake liquid гигроскопична (absorbs a moisture from air), therefore it cannot be stored in open container.

To hydrosystem refuelling apply only a brake liquid FMVSS 571.116 DOT 4.

Sequence of replacement of a liquid in brake mechanisms:

  – The back right;
  – The back left;
  – The forward right;
  – The forward left;
  – A coupling drive.


The prevention

Replacement of a brake liquid is recommended to be spent with the assistant, having established the car on a viewing ditch or a platform.

1. Uncover a tank of the main brake cylinder.
2. Clear of a dirt the valve of release of air and remove its protective cap.
3. Put on one end of a rubber hose the valve and other end ship in a pure transparent vessel.
4. The assistant should press sharply a pedal of a brake of 4-5 times and leave a pedal pressed.
5. Turn on on 1/2 – 3/4 turns the valve of release of air – the old (dirty) brake liquid will start to follow from a hose. Thus the brake pedal should move smoothly against the stop. As soon as the liquid will cease to follow, wrap the valve of release of air.
6. Repeat operations 4 and 5 while the new (pure) brake liquid will not start to follow from a hose. Constantly watch liquid level in a tank, without supposing its decrease below label MIN, and if necessary add a new brake liquid.
7. With the same way replace a liquid in other brake mechanisms and a coupling drive.
8. Press some times a brake pedal. The course and resistance of a pedal should be constants by each pressing. If these conditions are not carried out, means, air has got to brake system and it is necessary for pumping over.