Skoda Fabia

Since 2000 of release

Repair and car operation

Shkoda Fabija
+ 1.1. The car description
- 2. The engine
   2.1. Removal of the top casing of the engine
   + 2.2. Installation of the piston of the first cylinder in position ВМТ of a step of compression
   2.3. Replacement of a belt of a drive of the generator
   - 2.4. Replacement and adjustment of a tension of a belt of a drive of a camshaft
      2.4.1. The diesel engine
      2.4.2. Petrol engines in volume of 1,4 l, capacity of 55 and 74 kw
   2.5. Replacement of a chain of a drive of a camshaft
   2.6. Selection of a distributive gear wheel of a cranked shaft
   2.7. Replacement of a lining of a head of the block of cylinders
   2.8. Replacement of an epiploon of a camshaft
   2.9. Replacement маслосъемных caps
   2.10. Replacement of a forward epiploon of a cranked shaft
   2.11. A back epiploon of a cranked shaft
   + 2.12. Repair of a head of the block of cylinders
   + 2.13. Engine repair
+ 3. Greasing system
+ 4. The power supply system
+ 5. Cooling system
+ 6. System of release of the fulfilled gases
+ 7. Transmission and a running gear
+ 8. A steering
+ 9. Brake system
+ 10. An electric equipment
+ 11. A body
+ 12. Electroschemes


2.4.2. Petrol engines in volume of 1,4 l, capacity of 55 and 74 kw

Belts of a drive of camshafts

1 – a pulley of a cranked shaft;
2 – a tension roller;
3 – a bolt of fastening of a tension roller;
4 – a pulley of the water pump;
5 – a belt of a drive of camshafts;
6 – a pulley of an inlet camshaft;
7 – a bolt of fastening of a pulley;
8 – a belt of a drive of a final camshaft;
9 – a pulley of a final camshaft;
10 – a bolt of fastening of a pulley;
11 – a tension roller of a belt of a drive of a final camshaft;
12 – a bolt of fastening of a tension roller;
13 – a directing roller

1. Remove the top casing of the engine (subsection 2.1 see).
2. Remove the air filter (subsection 4.1 see).
3. Unfasten latches and remove the top cover 1 (cм. Fig. of the Detail of a drive of camshafts of engines of 1,4 l, 55 and 74 kw).
4. Establish the piston of the first cylinder in ВМТ (subsection 2.2.1 see).
5. Remove a broad tank, without disconnecting from it hoses, and will put it aside.
6. Hook on the engine талью and pull its cables to unload support.
7. Turn away bolts of fastening of the right support of the power unit to the engine and a body.
8. Remove a belt of a drive of the generator (subsection 2.3 see).
9. Keeping a cranked shaft from проворачивания, turn away a bolt of 24 fastenings of a pulley of a cranked shaft.
10. Remove a pulley 23 drives of the generator. Screw manually a bolt 24 with two thick washers that the pulley 19 has not come off a cranked shaft.
11. Turn away bolts of 22 fastenings and remove the bottom cover 26.
12. Loosen the an inhaling of a bolt 3 (fig. Belts of a drive of camshafts) so that the tension roller 2 has turned see and has weakened a tension of a belt 5 drives of camshafts.
13. Remove a belt 5 drives of camshafts.
14. Loosen the an inhaling of a bolt 12 also turn a tension roller 11 to weaken a tension of a belt 8. Fix camshafts from проворачивания, having inserted into apertures and drills in diameter of 8 mm.
15. Remove a belt 8 drives of a final camshaft. Carefully clear of a dirt and oil pulleys and rollers.
16. Put on a new belt a pulley 9 final camshafts, and then on a pulley 6 inlet camshafts. Thus the top branch of a belt should be tense.
17. Шестигранником, inserted into an aperture, turn a tension roller 11 (fig. Belts of a drive of camshafts) see so that the index 1 has coincided with a ledge 2 on a framework of the tension device. Keeping a tension roller in this position, tighten a bolt of 3 fastenings of a roller the moment 20 Нм.
18. Put on a belt 5 (fig. Belts of a drive of camshafts see) a pulley 4 water pumps and a tension roller 2, then on a pulley of 1 cranked shaft and directing roller 13 and after that on a pulley 6 inlet camshafts.
19. Шестигранником, inserted into an aperture, turn a tension roller 3 so that the index of 1 roller has risen opposite to a smaller groove in a plate 2. Thus pay attention that the bolt 5 should be in большем a groove of a plate 2. Keeping a tension roller in this position, tighten a bolt of fastening of a roller the moment 20 Нм (4 – шестигранник).
20. Turn a cranked shaft on two turns and check up coincidence of labels ВМТ.
21. Establish all removed details upside-down. Thus consider that a bolt 24 (cм. Of 1,4 l, 55 and 74 kw) fastenings of pulleys of a cranked shaft and bolts of fastening of a support of the power unit to the engine and a body it is necessary to replace fig. of the Detail of a drive of camshafts of engines with the new. A bolt of fastening of pulleys of a cranked shaft tighten in two stages: 1st – the moment 90 Нм, 2nd – tighten for 90 . The moment of an inhaling of bolts of fastening of a support of the power unit – 50 Нм.